Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2.1 Questions - Natural Hazards in Australia

  1. A natural hazard  is when the forces of nature combine to become destructive including tropical cyclones and storms, floods, bushfires, droughts, earthquake, landslides and tsunamis.
  2. A natural disaster affects people and a natural hazard is a natural force that can cause a natural disaster
  3. The two main categories are those related to weather (a) and climatic factors and those related to movement in the Earth's crust (b)
  4. refer to key in Q3 
    • a) Flood, Heatwave, Drought, cyclone, hurricane, hail
    • b) landslide, tsunami
  5. They are more noticeable because they affect more people.
  6. There can lose livestock and they can lose crops.
  7. Social impact (loss of life), Economic impacts ( loss of income and industry), Environment impacts (death or injury of wildlife)
  8. It is essential that Australian communities study the nature and impacts of natural hazards in Australia because Australia has many unique species and they need plans and be prepared if a natural hazard happens.
  9. GIS is used to map the threat of natural hazards in Australia by color coding different areas based on the likelihood of a natural disaster happening.
    • a. tropical cyclones, wind gust and landslides
    • b. tropical cyclones
    • a) The local councils would be useful because they can give specific data on there area as well as being able to think of specific ways that could protect them if a natural disaster occurred.
    • b) The state governments can give an estimate/ average of different data
    • c) The emergency services can give information on what most people have been affected by be it dramatically or all cases.
    • d) insurance companies can give data that is based on how many claims have been made due to natural hazards. They can also give information on the natural hazard that affects peoples possessions the most.