Thursday, February 24, 2011

1.1 questions

Name *
Barrow, Adam

1 Name the mountains at each of the following locations:

a 42˚16´S 145˚50´E
 Frenchmans Cap

b 41˚47´S 146˚21´E
Mt Jerusalem

c 41˚41´S 145˚57´E
Cradle Mtn

d 42˚56´S 146˚25´E
Mt Anne

e 41˚24´S 147˚38´E.
Ben Nevis

2 Give the latitude and longitude (degrees and minutes) for each of the following:

a Hobart
42°50’S, 147°21’E

b Swansea
42°07'S, 148°04'E
c Stanley
40°46’S, 145°18’E

d Launceston
41º26'S, 147º07'E

e Port Arthur
43º09’S, 147º51’E
3 Complete the following:

a King Island is found between latitude 39˚35´S and _40º13’S______, and longitude 143˚51´E and 144º13’E_____.

b The Furneaux group of islands are located between _39˚40’S and __40˚37’S, and between _147˚45’E and _148˚32’E.

c The Freycinet Peninsula extends from _41˚55’____ S to 42˚20’_____ S on the _East____ coast of Tasmania.

4 Write the scale of the map in words.
The scale of the map is for every 1 cm on the map there is 25 kilometers.

5 Use the scale to calculate the straight-line distance between Hobart and each of the mountains identified in question 1.

Cradle Mountain – 162.5km
Mountain Ossa – 150km
Black Bluff – 187.5km
Mountain Barrow – 175km
Ben Nevis – 175km
Legges Tor – 150km
Stacks Bluff – 137.5km
Frenchmans Cap – 137.5km
Mountain Anne – 75km
Mountain Picton – 62.5km
Federation Peak – 87.5km
Mountain Jerusalem – 135km

.1 Putting Australia on the Map

* Required

Name *
Surname First

1 What do the words Terra Australis mean?
A great land mass in the southern hemisphere

2 Who first used the word ‘Australia’ as the name for our country?
Matthew Flinders

3 Which two continents are entirely in the Southern Hemisphere?
Australia and Antarctica

4 Which continents are in the Eastern Hemisphere?
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe

5 Which line separates the Northern and Southern hemispheres?

6 Name the lines of latitude with each of the following values:

a 23½˚S
Tropic of Capricorn

b 23½˚N
Tropic of Cancer

c 66½˚S
Antarctica Circle

d 66½˚N
Arctic Circle

7 The highest value for a line of latitude is 90˚. What is the highest value for a line of longitude?

8 Fill in the blanks with latitude or longitude:

a Lines of _longitude_______ are parallel.

b Lines of __longitude______ are all the same length.

c The Equator is a line of __symmetry ______.

d Lines of _longitude______ meet at the poles.

e The Prime Meridian is a line of _180º_______.

9 Name and locate Australia’s nearest neighbours
Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.

10 Which sea separates Australia and New Zealand
Tasman Sea?

11 Refer to 1.3:

a Estimate the latitude and longitude of each of the following:

i Los Angeles
35ºN , 115ºW

ii Buenos Aires
35ºS, 60ºW

iii Singapore
5ºN, 105ºE

iv Alice Springs
22.5ºS, 135ºE

v Perth

35ºS, 115ºE
b Which countries are located at the following:

i 30˚N 120˚E

ii 60˚N 120˚W

ii 60˚S 120˚W

iv 10˚S 60˚W

12 Use your atlas (or Google Earth/Maps) for the following activities:

a Name three countries on the Equator.
Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia

b Name three countries on the Prime Meridian.
England, France, Spain

c Name two countries with the same longitude as New South Wales.
Russia, Papua New Guinea

d Which island nation in the Pacific is nearest to Australia?
Papua New Guinea

e What is the distance from the south coast of Tasmania to Antarctica?
3443 km

f What is the nearest country in South America to Australia?

g What is the nearest country in Africa to Australia? *

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