Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Geography Extended Response

Communities never stay static and within the worlds globalisation and population ever-expanding, communities must change and adapt to the growing demand within the area. An example of this is St Ives in Sydney. Majority of St Ives are either of Jewish descent or of South African descent. With a population of 14207 within the 14.39 km2 and within an urban area of Sydney, St Ives is ever growing. This suburb, within the North Shore, is a sought after part of Sydney both for its schools and its location in comparison to the city. With more and more people wanting to move within the area, St Ives is having to develop less low density housing and more medium density housing (less houses and more apartment blocks). The effect of the change within the area means that St Ives is becoming more like a confined metropolis rather than a quite suburb.

Monday, September 12, 2011

4.3 Questions

1- 12
1. Federal - Transport and Regional Services
    State - Regional Development Fund
2. Sense of Place Program ( helps them by planning, assisting and guiding communities) and Townlife Development Program ( Help in building up the town)
3. First Community-owned post office in Australia which was created because there was a treat to the local post office.
4. The GRTC offers Giropost, Centrelink, Medicare, Internet access and teh Reliance Credit Union, normal post service and small but modern gift shop
5. The community has responded well because evidence shows that without the help of the governments the town would not be what it was today.
6. 3 examples of action implemented by the Flying Ahead Group are: the increase in police presence, the establishment of youth projects, and the increase in the population and services that are available.
7. The purpose of the two eight two eight program was to restore the old community centre back to a multi-faceted community centre. It now includes a cafe, craft gallery, function centre, second-hand book shop and tourism information.
8. Some examples of active citizenship achievements since 2000 include: the opening of the Rural Transaction Centre, the first community-owned post office, and the purchase and renovation of the old picture theatre in the main street.
9. The local government and the Coonamble Shire has been providing financial assistance to the Gulargambone Flying Ahead program.
10. The changes that have been done to the theatre are: there is new paint, been restored and the walls have been died up, it looks more inviting and has a more community feel.
11. There are many factors that attribute to the success of Gulargambone, but the main attribute is citizen which is very important within the town. The active citizenship is seen through the restoration of the old theatre to a community centre and the effort put forward into the dedication to the town seen through the opening of the city owned post-office.
12 a) The article is the 'fight of survival' of Gulargambone and the uniting of the citizens
     b) The author writes about the decline in Gulargambone is due to the drought which affected the economy of the agricultural based town.
     c) Majority of the business were shut down such as petrol stations, banks, shops, etc.
     d) The community galvanised into action when the town post office came into threat of being shut down. They also came together and took on the government when the hospital was threatened.
     e) The post office was important because it was a main part of society and the next closest one was a two-hour drive.
     f) The community has completed the community centre (the restoration of the old picture theatre), the acquiring of the town logo which is a galah, and the saving of there post-office

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4.2 Questions

1. It causes economic hardship for agricultural population and effects on businesses and jobs,more welfare paid to unemployed.

2. It means less farms running and more available

3. The soldiers settler blocks being sold, collapse in the wool industry, rising costs in the agricultural industry with fuel, machinery and wages.

4. more advanced and more powerful machinery, able to harvest bigger areas of land --> the farmers job a lot easier, less employees

5. The improvement in the roads and cars it gave better access and eaiser access to Dubbo and Cooamble which means they are able to avoid the smaller towns making them isolated 

6. People have left the town to search for employment and education, the age median is increasing which means there is a greater need for age services.

8) The population dramatically declined from 1954 to the mid 1960's, from then and on the population has been volitile. Gulargambone has lost 500 people from the original 900 people in the town.
9) It is shown through a pyramid to indicate the difference in the population and the age of the population.

a- The school enrolments slowly rose in the 1950's than has been declining ever since.
b- The trends are like this because there has been a decline (slow) in the population. The amount of children and young people (15-29) have left the town in search of education and employment. The median age is increasing meaning that there are more older people and less younger people.
Social- The median age is increasing because of the young people leaving
Economic- People are leaving the town therefore less money
Environmental- Drought and rural decline

4.1 Questions

1. The moving out of rural areas which causes the population of the area to decline.
2. Gulargambone is a small rural town located on the Castlereagh River, halfway between Gilgandra and Coonamble in the central-west region of New South Wales.
3.  Its located on a river (hydrosphere), The terrain is flat to undulating and the soils are fertile black and red types (lithosphere), and temperature (atmosphere)
4. The solider settler blocks were housing sold to soliders to help them rejust to normal life, it put more money in the town
5. Agricultural is main but some forestry of pine.
6. 447 live in town, 1072 live in surrounding area
7. Community Development Employment Program which employs Aboriginal people
8b. i) north west
      ii) north
     iii) west north west
9. a) i] 31*18´S and 148*16´E
        ii] 31*33' S and 148*16' E
        iii] 31*15' S and 148*22' E
    b) i] A6253
       iii] A6151
    c) i] 4.5 squared kilometres
        ii]3.5 squared kilometer
    d) i] 10 buildings
        ii] 20 buildings
10. 4.30 has the bigger scale because it shows more land

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mapping Skills: Geography Preliminary - 2006

Source A-C
What is the predicted population growth rate in 2030?
What is the predicted population change in 2030? 60 million people
What region of the world is predicted to have the greatest gross increase in percentage between 1800 and 2050? Africa

Source D
How many males and females are there in Ethiopia for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000? 2.5 million people
How many males and females are there in Italy for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000? 1.75 million
Why do you think that there is such a difference between these two countries? Because Italy is smaller and has more of a great diversity of ages as apposed to Ethiopia which is a developing country.

Source E
What is located at GR831979? Dicks Hill
What is the highest point at AR7997? 490 metres
What is the contour interval for the map? The way in which mountains are shaped and how high they go.
What physical feature is located at GR820975? A wet swamp
Approximately how far is the Laurieton Sporting Complex from Hanleys Point on the Camden Haven Inlet? About half kilometer from the centre of the complex to the edge of the inlet
Give the GR for the North Haven Public School. GR830000
What is the highest point at Camden Head? Give the height and GR. 79 meters and GR845989

Go Back to Where You Came From

  • What is your initial reaction to the show? My initial reaction to the show is that it is a good way to see the really stories behind the refugees and rather than the bias stories in the news saying that they are bad, it shows the struggle of them and what they go through.
  • What percentage of immigrants are refugees? 1.5%
  • Why does such a small number of people make for such a big deal both politically and in the media? (Give your opinion)  I believe that it is made such a big deal of because the people who make a big deal of it can as opposed to the people going through it which view is never heard.
  • Where does Australia rank among countries accepting refugees? We are number 18th in the world
  • To what extent do we have an obligation to help other people suffering in the world? (your opinion) I believe that Australia does have the right to help others in the world especially in developing countries because Australia is a thriving country.
  • How much extra support do refugees receive in comparison to other Australian citizens? They receive equal once they are settled in Australia (i.e. medicare) and also Australia tries to help legitimate refugees. 0.8% as much as the Australian citizens.
  • How many Asian nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention? 11 Asian Nations have signed the UN refugee convention.
  • Why is it important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention? What does this mean for refugees in Malaysia? Malaysia does not recognise the rights of refugees as defined in the convention, nor does it have the same responsibilities as signatory countries by not being part of the UN refugee Convention. This means that it would be harder for refugees in Malaysia to settle in other countries.