Sunday, September 11, 2011

4.1 Questions

1. The moving out of rural areas which causes the population of the area to decline.
2. Gulargambone is a small rural town located on the Castlereagh River, halfway between Gilgandra and Coonamble in the central-west region of New South Wales.
3.  Its located on a river (hydrosphere), The terrain is flat to undulating and the soils are fertile black and red types (lithosphere), and temperature (atmosphere)
4. The solider settler blocks were housing sold to soliders to help them rejust to normal life, it put more money in the town
5. Agricultural is main but some forestry of pine.
6. 447 live in town, 1072 live in surrounding area
7. Community Development Employment Program which employs Aboriginal people
8b. i) north west
      ii) north
     iii) west north west
9. a) i] 31*18´S and 148*16´E
        ii] 31*33' S and 148*16' E
        iii] 31*15' S and 148*22' E
    b) i] A6253
       iii] A6151
    c) i] 4.5 squared kilometres
        ii]3.5 squared kilometer
    d) i] 10 buildings
        ii] 20 buildings
10. 4.30 has the bigger scale because it shows more land

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