Sunday, March 13, 2011

1.11 Questions Australia's Energy Resource

  1. Coal, oil and gas are all non-renewable sources
  2. Solar, wind and hydro electricity are all renewable sources
  3. Australia is looking to develop clean energy sources because there is an increasing concern over the environment, and climate change in particular.
  4. The top four coal produces in order are India, United States, China and Australia.
  5. Australia's coal reserves have had 76 billion tonnes mined in the last 200 years
  6. Australia has $5 billion dollars worth of natural gas in Australia. 
  7. The solar power plant that is being built in Mildura, Victoria will use technology developed to power satellites and consist of fields of mirrors each covering 0.8 square kilometers.
  8. Electricity can be generated by wind from a wind turbine that is rotated by the wind which generate electricity.

    1. Advantages -
        1. it is a renewable source
        2. It will supply electricity to 18000 households.
        3. 2% of South Australia will be covered
    2. Disadvantages - 
        1. It will cost $65 million dollars
        2. It will consume a lot of space
        3. It will rely on the weather which is unpredictable
  9. I believe that the renewable sources such as hydro, solar and wind energy is a very good opinion for Australia because they are renewable, are very different to each other and rely on different aspects of the weather, and they suit Australia's environment.
13. The basins of natural gas and oil are located in big clumps on the edge of WA, is found between Tasmania and Victoria, and a large basin is found in the lower half of Queensland, north-east of New South Wales and in northern regions of SA. There are pipes leading to all the major cities.
14. a) i. $17.5 billion
          ii. $5 billion
          iii. $2.5 billion
      b) i. $25 billion
          ii. $7.5 billion
          iii. $2.5 billion
      c) Coal

Japan Earthquake

  • The epicenter was reported to be 130 kilometers off the east coast of the Oshika Peninsula, Tōhoku
  • The size of the earthquake was 8.8 of the rector scale.
  • The area's affected include majority of Japan and many places along the east coast of North and South America
  • The impeding man made disaster is the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed a power pack in the plant that stopped the nuclear core from over heating and exploding. At the moment it is running off batteries and all people within a 10 km radius have been evacuated. They are attempting to cool the reactor but they may have to release some of the gas. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

1.10 Questions

  1. Resources are any material that can be used by humans.
  2. A renewable source is something that can be reused and non-renewable sources are things that can only be used once.
  3. Renewable sources can be non-renewable by over-exploitation.
  4. Soil is a valuable because it is a renewable source which is vital in growing food such as fruits and vegetables.
  5. the cultivation of forest trees; forestry.
  6. 164.4 million hectares
  7. They are worth more than $2 billion annually and are based on high-value species such as tuna, lobsters and prawns.
  8. An example of protecting fish species is that only 5265 tonnes of tuna are allowed to be fished each year.
  9. Uranium
  10. Because it impacts the land heavily as well as mining over aboriginal heritage which is becoming heritage listed.
  11. Australia has a massive forest resource amount. Within Australia there is a total of 164.4 million hectares of forest or 8.2 hectares per person. Also, 162.7 million hectares of the forest is native australian forest. 21% of Australia is forest. Less than 1% of Australia's native forest is harvested each year and annually $3.9 billion is made from the small percent of non-australian forests. The forest within Australia give the country a huge amount of money each year which can help governments to fund the upkeep of the country. Even though a lot of money is made, less than 1% of native forestry is harvested each year.
  12. Uranium is very valuable because is contains a lot of power which can be used in power generators and in weapons such as atomic bombs.
  13. World Heritage sites are valuable resources because they give information on the past and can help us to prepare for the future.
  14. Uranium mining impacts heavily on the landscape because normally it is mined underneath a land mass leaving it subject to falling of the cave caving in.
  15. Australia's fishing grounds are located around the coast of Australia as well as around the coast of some Australian owned islands.

    1. The mines are spaced out all around WA, NT, SA and OLD.
    2. Radium Hill
    3. Ranger
  16.  See next post
      1. $300 million
      2. $250 million
      3. $550 million
    2. about $350 million dollars
    3. It goes up then down and repeats

Australia's imports and exports

Australia exports majority of its products to China.
It mainly exports:

  • Coal 
  • Iron ore & concentrates 
  • Gold 
  • Natural gas 
  • Crude petroleum 
  • Aluminium ores (incl alumina) 
  • Wheat 
  • Beef 
  • Aluminium 
  • Copper ores & concentrates 
  • Medicaments (incl veterinary) 
  • Copper 
  • Alcoholic beverages (mainly wine) 
  • Reined petroleum 
  • Meat (excl beef ) 
  • Wool & other animal hair (incl tops) 
  • Passenger motor vehicles 
  • Animal feed 
  • Milk & cream 
  • Live animals (excl seafood)

China needs these items to make a lot of there products because China makes a lot of industrial and
commercial products. Without these products they could not make the products as cheap as they do. Also a lot of the cuisine relies on some imports to make there food unique.

Australia's main import is China. China makes a lot of products at a cheap price.
Products that Australia imports include:

  • Petroleum 
  • Passenger motor vehicles 
  • Reined petroleum 
  • Gold 
  • Medicaments (incl veterinary) 
  • Telecom equipment & parts 
  • Computers 
  • Goods vehicles 
  • Pumps (excl liquid pumps) & parts 
  • Monitors, projectors & TVs 
  • Prams, toys, games & sporting goods 
  • Measuring & analysing instruments 
  • Furniture, mattresses & cushions 
  • Civil engineering equipment & parts 
  • Electrical machinery & parts 
  • Vehicle parts and accessories 
  • Heating & cooling equipment & parts 
  • Household-type equipment 
  • Manufactures of base metal 
  • Plastic article
Australia needs to import these products to keep much of there machinery running such as cars. Also a lot of the imports are household items such as TV's and Furniture. Many entertainment toys are also imported. The most important import is medicine because without it many people would get ill and die.


Monday, March 7, 2011

1.7 Question 11

1.7 Questions

1. Australia has so many unique animals and plants because Australia has been isolated for over 50 million years.
2. Many species in Australia have survived for millions of years because Australia has many different terrains and areas.
3. Endemic means that which can only be found in one place in the world.
4. 89 percent of reptiles are said to be endemic.
5. The three areas in Australia wit great biodiversity are the Great Barrier Reef, Tropical Rainforests of Queensland and the south-west botanical province of Western Australia.
6. The richest insect fauna can be found in the tropical rain forests
7. A marsupial is a animal that has its babies in its pouch and an example is a kangaroo.
8. A monotreme is an egg laying mammal and an example is a platypus.
9. Wallabies are generally smaller than kangaroos and wallabies prefer more rugged terrain.
10. The duck-billed platypus is a peculiar looking and acting animal. It has a duck bill, a paddle like tail and webbed feet. It has a duck bill because when it is under water, it closed its eyes and senses prey with its bill. Its paddle like tail is used to burrow and the webbed feet are for moving fast in water. There are other features of the platypus such as the fact they they lay eggs but are mammals.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exchange Questions

Dear Conor,
                As you know you are about to come to Sydney for 3 months for exchange. The weather in Sydney is typically hotter than the weather in San Francisco. Here are the average weather and precipitation patterns for each. (I have arranged it so you can see weather based on seasons not months.)

As you can see from the charts it is generally hotter in Sydney than in San Francisco and there is more precipitation. Therefore, I advise you to bring plenty of t-shirts and shorts but bring 2 or 3 jumpers, long pants and other warm items. Also we will be going to the snow at Thredbo in May so you will need to bring very warm closes such as beanie, parker (if you have one), jumper, track pants or other warm pants and some thermals (if you want). You may not have any of the snow clothing  because your weather tends to be similar so don’t worry to much, but you should have t-shirts and shorts.