Thursday, March 10, 2011

1.10 Questions

  1. Resources are any material that can be used by humans.
  2. A renewable source is something that can be reused and non-renewable sources are things that can only be used once.
  3. Renewable sources can be non-renewable by over-exploitation.
  4. Soil is a valuable because it is a renewable source which is vital in growing food such as fruits and vegetables.
  5. the cultivation of forest trees; forestry.
  6. 164.4 million hectares
  7. They are worth more than $2 billion annually and are based on high-value species such as tuna, lobsters and prawns.
  8. An example of protecting fish species is that only 5265 tonnes of tuna are allowed to be fished each year.
  9. Uranium
  10. Because it impacts the land heavily as well as mining over aboriginal heritage which is becoming heritage listed.
  11. Australia has a massive forest resource amount. Within Australia there is a total of 164.4 million hectares of forest or 8.2 hectares per person. Also, 162.7 million hectares of the forest is native australian forest. 21% of Australia is forest. Less than 1% of Australia's native forest is harvested each year and annually $3.9 billion is made from the small percent of non-australian forests. The forest within Australia give the country a huge amount of money each year which can help governments to fund the upkeep of the country. Even though a lot of money is made, less than 1% of native forestry is harvested each year.
  12. Uranium is very valuable because is contains a lot of power which can be used in power generators and in weapons such as atomic bombs.
  13. World Heritage sites are valuable resources because they give information on the past and can help us to prepare for the future.
  14. Uranium mining impacts heavily on the landscape because normally it is mined underneath a land mass leaving it subject to falling of the cave caving in.
  15. Australia's fishing grounds are located around the coast of Australia as well as around the coast of some Australian owned islands.

    1. The mines are spaced out all around WA, NT, SA and OLD.
    2. Radium Hill
    3. Ranger
  16.  See next post
      1. $300 million
      2. $250 million
      3. $550 million
    2. about $350 million dollars
    3. It goes up then down and repeats

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