Thursday, March 10, 2011

Australia's imports and exports

Australia exports majority of its products to China.
It mainly exports:

  • Coal 
  • Iron ore & concentrates 
  • Gold 
  • Natural gas 
  • Crude petroleum 
  • Aluminium ores (incl alumina) 
  • Wheat 
  • Beef 
  • Aluminium 
  • Copper ores & concentrates 
  • Medicaments (incl veterinary) 
  • Copper 
  • Alcoholic beverages (mainly wine) 
  • Reined petroleum 
  • Meat (excl beef ) 
  • Wool & other animal hair (incl tops) 
  • Passenger motor vehicles 
  • Animal feed 
  • Milk & cream 
  • Live animals (excl seafood)

China needs these items to make a lot of there products because China makes a lot of industrial and
commercial products. Without these products they could not make the products as cheap as they do. Also a lot of the cuisine relies on some imports to make there food unique.

Australia's main import is China. China makes a lot of products at a cheap price.
Products that Australia imports include:

  • Petroleum 
  • Passenger motor vehicles 
  • Reined petroleum 
  • Gold 
  • Medicaments (incl veterinary) 
  • Telecom equipment & parts 
  • Computers 
  • Goods vehicles 
  • Pumps (excl liquid pumps) & parts 
  • Monitors, projectors & TVs 
  • Prams, toys, games & sporting goods 
  • Measuring & analysing instruments 
  • Furniture, mattresses & cushions 
  • Civil engineering equipment & parts 
  • Electrical machinery & parts 
  • Vehicle parts and accessories 
  • Heating & cooling equipment & parts 
  • Household-type equipment 
  • Manufactures of base metal 
  • Plastic article
Australia needs to import these products to keep much of there machinery running such as cars. Also a lot of the imports are household items such as TV's and Furniture. Many entertainment toys are also imported. The most important import is medicine because without it many people would get ill and die.


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