Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are we a Racist Nation

  1. Who is the author and what is his job title?
Graeme Innes and his job is Race Discrimination Commissioner.
  1. Who does he work for and what is supposed to do in this job?
The National Press Club and Graemes job is to work out the racism in Australia.
  1. What does the author say is often the beginning of a racist comment? Have you every heard anyone use this line to say something racist? If so, what did they say?
'I'm not racist, but...' is often the beginning of a racist comment in the authors point of view. I have heard this before but would not consider it often because majority of times people just come out and say the phase they want to say, mostly when the people they are offending are not around. However, when i did hear it the 'joke' is thought they were ignorant to say the phase when they are clearly being racist.
  1. What percent of Australians are born overseas or have an overseas parent?
50% of Australians are born overseas or have an overseas parent which is shocking because it shows that even 'overseas' Australians are being racist.
  1. What is a 'mono-culture'?
Mono culture is a single harmonious culture where everyone accepts each others culture.
  1. What are some welcome benefits of online technology?
It links people from all over the world together and gives people a wider range of information.
  1. What are some unwelcome results of online social media?
Many people set up sites and publish media about racist comments or remarks that they agree with and many people look at it and think that it is socially acceptable.
  1. What makes racism online so dangerous?
People can do i anonymously and many people can come across it by accident which makes it easier for people to be exposed to racist comments and think that they are 'OK'
  1. What will help stop racism online?
There has been some anti-bullying and racist campaigns employed but the most effective way of getting rid of racism is for social networking sites and the government to work together.
  1. What does the author suggest we need to do to stop racism?
Tell the people who are posting racist comments to take them down and report them to the social media sites.

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