Monday, August 15, 2011

How have Australia changed in your Life Time?

Physical Change

  • Drought - The amount of agricultural land affected by the floods
  • Floods
  • Building of the Olympic Park
  • Building of more apartments near train lines
  • Erosion
2. Drought has been a major cause of physical change within Australia and its people. The drought has affected the amount of people with homes as well as new structures that have to be built to help prevent a drought ending in a disaster. It has also affected the agricultural industry and has changed the way that farmers grow there crops and how the take care of there livestock. The drought not only in its self is a major disaster but it has also caused many other changes that lead to physical changes such as floods.

Socioeconomic Change

  • Global Financial Crisis
  • More money in Australia
  • The share market crashing
  • Upgrading of Schools
  • Mining industry - You need the value of coal within Australia, How many people are being employed and How much China is buying
2. The mining industry has been a great turn around for Australia and its socioeconomic status within the world. Since Australia is a relatively new country it has many resources available such as a major fuel, coal. This is very good for Australia's economy because China, a country that is booming with a growing population is in demand for coal and Australia has to coal they need. This means that Australia even in a GFC is able to grow as a country and have more money within there economy. 

Cultural Change

  • Saying sorry to the stolen generation
  • Asylum Seekers
  • More woman in parliament - How many people in parliament are woman
  • Greater population --> more culture
  • More technology
2. There is more woman in parliament within todays' society which is a lot different and changed the way that people live. It has changed the way that people perceive woman within jobs as well as the way that people treat women. We now also have a woman Prime Minister and she can perceive Australia in a different way. She has a unique view of Australia which can help Australia grow as a nation.

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