Monday, August 22, 2011

Australian Population

  1. What is demography? Demography is the study of statistics which show the changing structure of human populations
  2. In what year did the Australian population reach 20 million? How quickly is the population growing? 2003 and it is growing very quickly because by 2009 we had 22 million people
  3. How many Aboriginal people are estimated to have lived in Australia before Europeans arrived? at least 315 000 indigenous Australians lived before the arrival of the Europeans
  4. What the two main ways the population can grow? What percentage of the population growth in 2010 can be attributed to each way? People have children and people can come from other countries and immigrate to Australia. 47% due to births and 53% due to migration.
  5. What is the total fertility rate for 2010? 1.9 births per woman
  6. What was the total fertility rate for Australia in 1935? How does this compare to other years? Why do you think that it compares this way? The fertility rate for 1935 for 2.1 which means that more people are having less children. This is a lot higher than other years and is this way because of the cost of living today as apposed to the 1930's.
  7. What is the trend in the fertility rate for Australia since 1950? The fertility rate 'trend' is to go down as seen through a time before 1950 and after with a difference of 0.2% per woman.
  8. What is the average size of a family in Australia? How does that compare to the US? The average size of an Australian family is between 2 and 3 people which is a lot different to the average size of an American family which is between 3 and 4.

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